tree in front of home

Energy Savings Tips for Californians

Use of energy in Southern California can be higher for those who don’t live on the coast and don’t get that marine breeze. The end result is that you’ll spend any more money on air conditioning and heating bills. Additionally, you aren’t being environmentally friendly. Decreasing your energy consumption helps you and the Golden state as a whole. So, how can you do your part?

Air conditioning

Energy consumed in California is mostly as a result of air conditioning usage. This makes sense in a semi-arid climate where brush fires and seasonally dry weather proliferate with the Santa Ana winds. An efficient method to keep your home cool is by using a/c, but if possible, you can use other ways to cool off your home in less costly ways by:

  • Closing your blinds
  • Close doors in rooms you don’t use often
  • Fill up a bowl with ice and place a fan in front of it
  • Install and use ceiling fans (set to operate counter-clockwise)
  • Switch to CFLs lighting because incandescent lights produce heat
  • Open the windows at night when it is cooler
  • Plant trees around your home for shade
  • Cook outside the house (prevents heat build-up in your home)



Did you know that appliances are the second-largest energy hog in California. Prepare and cook your meals on the grill as opposed to the stove in an effort to not heat up your home. Some households have two refrigerators or freezers for extended family or roommates. Figure out if you can do away with one of them. Without a doubt, buying food in bulk and storing in the freezer can save money, but the savings are a wash if you are paying to keep the bulk foods cool. Instead of the dryer, try drying some or all of your clothes on the line.

Electronics and Lights

Turn off electronics and lighting when they are not in use. Utilize a power strip to lessen your energy drain from equipment that needs to be plugged in, even when it isn’t on. If the appliance isn’t Energy Star see if you can keep it unplugged.

Saving energy consumption will be good for your checking account and you’ll know that you are doing your part to help the environment. After all who wants to experience rolling blackouts. Not many of us.